NYPL Picture Collection Source Files
NYPL Picture Collection Source Files Words on Pictures: Romana and the New York Public Library’s Picture Collection . edited by Anthony T. Troncale. New York: Photo | Verso Publications, LLC , 2020. ISBN 978-1-7346409-0-8 (hardcover) Identifiers ISBN 978-1-7346409-1-5 (ebook) Picture Collection Source Files The Picture Collection began sourcing their files soon after Javitz became its Superintendent in 1929. If an illustration was clipped from a book or portfolio the plate would be assigned a Source Number which would lead you back to a catalog card listing its provenance, bibliographic information, or if it was a gift or purchase. Today this source file index and its accompanying index to periodicals that have been clipped are valuable research tools. Courtesy, New York Public Library, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs. Picture Collection. #photography, #visual arts, #photographers, #visualresources, #librarians, #documentation